Custom authorization generators

You can configure a custom authorization generator using a Java Service Provider Interface (SPI).

This approach is required to build a service provider that implements our SPI (info.magnolia.sso.config.spi.AuthorizationGeneratorProvider) and provides the implementation for Pac4j (org.pac4j.core.authorization.generator.AuthorizationGenerator).
Want a full-fledged tutorial?

Check out the Microsoft Azure Active Directory custom group authentication for a complete walkthrough with custom authorization generators.


To configure a custom authorization generator, place the classes and the configuration file in a Magnolia custom module that depends on the SSO module and the Pac4j core artifact org.pac4j:pac4j-core@5.7.0. For example purposes, let’s run through some instructions below.

  1. Package com.example.impl.CustomAuthorizationGeneratorProvider and com.example.impl.CustomAuthorizationGenerator in a JAR file for the class path. The JAR file will contain a provider configuration file named META-INF/services/info.magnolia.sso.config.spi.AuthorizationGeneratorProvider that should contain the following line:

    com.example.impl.CustomAuthorizationGeneratorProvider (1)
    1 Where CustomAuthorizationGeneratorProvider is the name of your service provider that implements our SPI (info.magnolia.sso.config.spi.AuthorizationGeneratorProvider).
  2. Configure the service provider using its simple class name, or fully-qualified class name, for your desired client as part of the <magnolia.resources.dir>/magnolia-sso/.config.yaml file in your SSO module.

    clients: 0o...x7
      oidc.secret: aK...th6
      oidc.authorizationGenerators: CustomAuthorizationGeneratorProvider (1)
      # Or fully-qualified class name
      # oidc.authorizationGenerators: com.example.impl.CustomAuthorizationGeneratorProvider
    1 Where CustomAuthorizationGeneratorProvider is the name of your service provider defined in META-INF/services/info.magnolia.sso.config.spi.AuthorizationGeneratorProvider.

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