Release notes for Magnolia CMS 6.2.40

LTS release • Delivered on October 27, 2023 • Page updated on December 1, 2023 • Changelog: 12228

Magnolia CMS 6.2.40 is primarily a bug-fixing and security release. We keep the details of security fixes private in line with our security policy. Contact our Support team if you need more information.


Commerce Connector Pack 1.3.5

Commerce Connector Pack 1.3.5 was released on October 4, 2023.

Live Copy 3.2.14

Live Copy 3.2.14 was released on October 9, 2023.

SSO 3.1.8

SSO 3.1.8 was released on October 19, 2023.


Remember My Last Location

When you add a link field to your content in apps such as Pages, Stories, or any other content app in general, Magnolia now displays the item you selected there previously. For more details on how this works, see Editing pages: Remember My Last Location.

  • MGNLUI-3675 Chooser dialog should remember last used location for Assets

Case-insensitive ILIKE filter operator added to Delivery API

In the Delivery API, we’ve added the case-insensitive ILIKE operator to the range of the available filter operators. See an example showing the difference between using the ILIKE and LIKE.

Bug fixes


Third-party library updates

  • com.github.usefulness:webp-imageio to version 0.5.1-magnolia

    Version 0.5.1-magnolia is a Magnolia fork compatible with Java 8.
  • to version 32.1.3-jre

  • commons-io:commons-io to version 2.14.0

  • commons-net:commons-net to version 3.10.0

  • com.rometools dependency reintroduced with version 1.19.0

  • io.swagger.core.v3 to version 2.2.17

  • io.swagger.parser.v3 to version 2.1.18

  • net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy to version 1.14.9

  • org.apache.commons:commons-compress to version 1.24.0

  • org.apache.jackrabbit:jackrabbit-* to version 2.20.12

  • org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-bom to version 2.21.0

  • org.htmlunit:htmlunit to version 3.6.0

  • org.htmlunit:neko-htmlunit to version 3.6.0

  • org.projectlombok:lombok to version 1.18.30

  • to version 2.20.162

Updated modules

  • Admincentral 6.2.35

  • Barebones Tomcat Bundle 1.2.22

  • Community Edition 6.2.40

  • Content Editor 1.3.15, 2.1.7

  • DAM 3.0.27

  • DX Core 6.2.40

  • Imaging 3.5.10

  • Language Bundles 1.2.1

  • Magnolia 6.2.40

  • Messages 6.2.19

  • Pages 6.2.32

  • Personalization 2.1.10

  • Publishing 1.3.13

  • Ranker 1.0.2

  • REST Framework 2.2.23

  • Solr Search Provider 6.1.7

  • Tasks 6.2.26

  • Third party library BOM 6.2.40

  • UI 6.2.40

  • Webhooks 1.0.2

  • Workflow 6.0.11


The Magnolia team would also like to thank everyone who reported issues, contributed patches or simply commented on issues for this release. Your continued interest helps us make Magnolia better.

Thanks a mill!

Special thanks go out to Vishal Bargode, Onno Bruins, Thomas Comiotto, Riste Drangovski, Antti Hietala, David Martin, Natascha Natum, Will Scheidegger, and Richard Unger.


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