Adding a Page in Magnolia CMS

This section will walk you through the steps to add a new page in Magnolia CMS, specifically using the 'Next.js SSR: Basic' template and naming the page 'vercel-demo', in line with the environment variable NEXT_APP_MGNL_SITE_PATH.

Navigating to the Pages App

  1. Open the Pages App:

    Navigate to the pages app within the Magnolia CMS interface.

Adding a New Page

  1. Initiate Page Creation:

    Click on the option to add a new page by clicking 'Add page' button.

  2. Select the Template:

    Choose the 'Next.js SSR: Basic' template from the list of available templates. This template is designed for server-side rendered Next.js pages.

  3. Name Your Page:

    Name your new page 'vercel-demo'. Ensure that it aligns with the NEXT_APP_MGNL_SITE_PATH environment variable set in your project.

Customizing the Page

  1. Add Components to Your Page:

    After the page is created, you can start adding components.

    Look for the green bars in the page editor, which represent areas where you can add new components.

You should see the Next JS app that was deployed to Vercel in the WSYWIG editor. Now you can make changes to the page and see them reflected in the editor and on the live site.


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