Edit images with AI
From version 2.2.0
Take your visuals to the next level with our AI Image Editor; where creativity meets intelligence. Seamlessly combine existing assets with AI-driven enhancements to generate, modify, and even refine existing images like never before.
This feature is available from 2.2.0-beta-1 and currently in preview mode and subject to change.
With the AI Image Editor you can create image-compositions where you can arrange assets and AI generated images.
Open the AI Image Editor
Select an asset or have no selection the action "AI Edit Asset" will open the AI Image Editor.

AI Image Editor UI
The UI of the AI Image Editor consists of:
a Layers view to the left
an Editor Canvas in the center
a Tools Panel in the center overlaying the editor canvas.
a Properties Panel>> in the center overlaying the editor canvas.

The UI shows a table with the layers on the left hand side. Layers can contain images. Once there are multiple layers and images they can be sorted by dragging the headers. The sub menu on the layers allow to execute actions on the layer or image for example to, hide/show or to delete a layer. You can also duplicate layers or images.
Editor Canvas
You can see the Editor Canvas in the center. In the middle at the bottom the Tool Panel allows to select the current tool or execute the actions for image generation or background removal. At the bottom left a Zoom Panel is present with the following functionality:
The rightmost icon allows to reset the canvas view.
The plus and minus icons allow to zoom in and out.
- Useful tips
You can scroll with both a mouse wheel or trackpad.
You can pan by moving the pushed mouse while holding the space-bar pressed.
Select images with mouse clicks.
Move, resize, rotate, or crop the selected image with the appropriate tool.
You can undo/redo actions with CTRL+Z and CTRL+SHIFT+Z, respectively CMD+Z and CMD+SHIFT+Z.
The amount of undo steps is limited and not the complete history is available for undo.
Tools Panel
In the middle at the bottom there is the Tools Panel. The tools are grouped into sections.

The left sections allows the selection of the current tool:
: Selection of image layers, transparent pixels are ignored -
: Move selected layers (Selection is also possible but with this tool transparent pixels are used for selection). -
: Rotate selected layers. Use the corner handles to adjust the angle. -
: Crop selected layers. Use the corner handles to adjust the cropping area.
The right section contains the following actions:
Generate Image
: Generate a new image with a prompt. Use the corner handles to adjust the angle. -
Remove Background
: Remove the background of the selected image.
Properties Panel
The properties panel consists of three parts: Canvas, Selected, Object, Actions. In the Canvas part you are able to change the name of the current image-composition. The middle part depends on the current selection.

In the canvas properties the name of the image can be changed. The size of the editor canvas can be adjusted, use the lock icon at the very right to indicate whether the aspect ratio should be locked.
Save as Asset
allows to save the current version as a new asset.It is not currently possible to store as hybrid asset or to save in an external asset provider.
import a previously exported image-composition through a file upload. -
export an image-composition for download.
Selected Object
In the middle section depending on the selection different properties are shown. For layer only deletion and renaming is possible.
For imaged it is possible to fix/unfix the aspect ratio for resize operations.

Add Asset: you can also add assets as a new layer. This is useful in cases where multiple assets should be combined into one image.
Generate Image allows to generate a new image with a prompt.
Generated images are always added on top. If you want to use it as background you have to move it to the back in the layer table.
Save an Asset: finally, the current version can be saved as a new asset with the
Save as Asset
Known issues / limitations
Refreshing the browser or switching between apps within Magnolia will result in a loss of the current work in progress. If you want to store your current work, please use the
action. -
Currently only fal.ai is supported and has to be installed accordingly. See Fal.AI model configuration).