External DAM integration framework

The DAM integration framework enables you to seamlessly integrate with your external DAM or storage system. This means you can access and use all your assets centrally from Magnolia regardless of where they are stored, eliminating the need for switching tools, costly and time-consuming asset migration or changing processes.

The DAM integration framework caters to enterprise customers who have thousands of assets to manage, including videos, PDFs and images. The pack provides out-of-the-box connectors to:

  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)

  • Bynder

If you want to connect to another third-party tool, extend the Magnolia DAM API and create your own asset provider

Magnolia also provides the native Magnolia Assets subapp for simple digital asset management scenarios.


The External DAM integration framework is included with your DX Core license and is free of charge. However, the associated extensions are paid and require an additional special license.

All your assets in one place

The DAM integration framework makes assets from your asset provider account available directly within Magnolia, close to your content.

Assets app with Bynder and S3 tabs

This means you can work with several DAM systems from one central location:

  • Upload or download assets to and from asset provider directly from the Magnolia UI. The formats supported are those supported by your third-party solution (except ZIP upload - not supported by Magnolia). If you try to upload a compromised asset, for example, an image file containing malicious code, an error message is displayed.

  • For S3, create a hierarchy of buckets and folders to store assets directly from the Magnolia UI. Bynder uses a flat hierarchy instead.

    AWS S3 bucket names are globally unique, meaning no two buckets can have the same name. If you try to create a bucket and receive an error stating the bucket already exists, it means that the bucket name is already in use, either by you or someone else.
  • Browse and view assets in Magnolia with the preview feature to help.

  • Edit key information for assets, such as the name or the description for Bynder. The changes are stored in your third-party solution.

    For S3, asset names cannot be edited.
  • Edit images using the Assets app basic editing feature.

  • Publish assets for Bynder.

    By default, all Bynder assets are private. If you want to use Bynder assets on a public page, you must publish them to make them public.

    Once Bynder assets are marked as published, they can’t be unpublished or made private again in Magnolia.
  • Delete items from Magnolia (except S3 buckets). When you delete an item, it’s deleted from your third-party solution.

Seamless integration with your content

Content authors can use external assets seamlessly in the Pages app or other content apps.

External asset in pages app

The DAM integration framework integrates the standard Magnolia Text and image page component in the Pages app so that editors and marketers can select and use external assets directly.

Add text and image component

When selecting an asset, choose from the configured providers to access the assets.

Select asset provider

Search for assets

Use the Magnolia Find bar to search for assets across all your providers.

Search assets using the find bar

When using external assets in the Pages app via the asset chooser dialog, you can also search directly in the dialog before selecting your asset:

Search assets in dialog

All the external assets loaded in Magnolia are searched, but not those that have not been loaded yet from your external provider.

1. The framework is included with your DX Core license. However, the associated extensions require an additional special license.

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