Magnolia CLI introduction

Magnolia CLI is an npm package providing a command line interface (CLI) tool to set up and facilitate light development with Magnolia. You can use Magnolia CLI to quickly create a light module skeleton: the folders and files that form a Magnolia light module. This page provides instructions on how to install Magnolia CLI.

We currently support three major versions of CLI. The main difference is how prototypes are handled and which Magnolia UI framework they are compatible with. If you are a new user, use CLI v4.

  • Magnolia CLI v4 - Default prototypes are based on the Magnolia 6 UI framework. The create commands generate Magnolia 6 UI definitions.

    The legacy 5 UI prototypes are present as well, but are marked with -m5. You can generate the 5 UI definitions by using the -P or --prototype command flag and specifying one of the m5 prototypes available.

  • Magnolia CLI v3 - Only 5 UI prototypes are present, and existing CLI v2 configurations and prototypes need to be migrated, see Updating CLI to v3.

  • Magnolia CLI v2 - Only 5 UI prototypes are present.

Light module minimal folder structure

Some Magnolia CLI commands may require that a minimal light module skeleton exists. For example, to run the create-app command, at least the following folder structure is expected to have been created:

  └── templates
        ├── components
        └── pages

Installing Magnolia CLI



The Magnolia CLI tool runs on Node.js. To check the version of your node.js installation, run the following command in a shell:

node -v

Node.js provides two branches:

  • LTS - recommended for long-term support

  • Current - providing the latest features

Make sure you are running the latest version of the LTS branch. You can get it from Node.js downloads. It may also be installed via package managers.


Having Java installed is a prerequisite if you want to use the mgnl start CLI command to start Magnolia.

Get Java

Magnolia needs at least a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to run. Check if there’s a version of Java already installed on your computer by opening the terminal or command prompt and typing java -version. If the system reports a version number, Java is installed on your computer.

See Certified stack to confirm that the version installed is supported.
  • Windows

  • Mac

  • Linux

On Windows, you need a Java SE Development Kit (JDK). The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is not enough because the Tomcat application server does not recognize it.

  • JRE is for users who run Java programs on their computers.

  • JDK is for developers who write Java-based applications.

Download and install JDK. By default, JDK is installed at C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-<version>\.


Check for JAVA_HOME

  1. Open the command prompt.

  2. Type set and press ENTER.

  3. Find JAVA_HOME in the command output and verify that the path points to your JDK installation directory, for example, C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-<version>>.xx.

  4. If JAVA_HOME is missing or it points to the wrong directory, see Set JAVA_HOME.


  1. Open the Command Prompt as an administrator.

  2. Set the path for JAVA_HOME.

    setx /m JAVA_HOME "path\to\Java\jdk" (1)
    1 Where path\to\Java\jdk is where your Java Development Kit is saved.

The set command creates the JAVA_HOME environment variable and sets its value to the JDK directory. The command is executed when Magnolia starts.

For Mac, you need to download or update to Java 11 or higher. After reviewing and agreeing to the terms of the license agreement, download the file, then double-click it to launch the installation wizard and follow the installation instructions.

The installation directory varies from one Linux system to another. On Debian-based distributions, JREs or JDKs are usually installed in /usr/lib/jvm/.


Install Magnolia CLI globally.

  • The configuration is stored globally.

  • The commands are available in the shell on all directories.

  • The global configuration can be overridden on a project level using the customize-local-config command.

The instructions that follow are based on the global npm package installation.

Which versions are available?

To display a list of released versions of Magnolia CLI, enter the following command in a shell:

npm view @magnolia/cli versions

Besides a version list, the following command shows additional information about the Magnolia CLI package:

npm view @magnolia/cli

Installing the latest version

To install the latest version (globally), run the following command in a shell:

npm install @magnolia/cli -g
Depending on your permissions and the Node.js installation location, you may have to execute the above command with root permissions. On Linux or OS-X, to run this command as root, use the following…​
sudo npm install @magnolia/cli -g

Installing a specific version

To install a specific version (globally), for example, 3.1.0, run the following command in a shell:

npm install @magnolia/cli@3.1.0 -g
Depending on your permissions and the Node.js installation location, you may have to execute the above command with root permissions. On Linux or OS-X, to run this command as root, use the following…​
sudo npm install @magnolia/cli@3.1.0 -g

Installing the latest development version

The master branch on the Magnolia NPM CLI repo typically contains the version with the latest code.

You may alternatively check out the latest code and simply install it from source.
Please be aware that the official documentation does not cover the functionalities and changes of development versions.

To install the latest version from the master, do the following after checking out the latest code:

npm pack
sudo npm install ~/dev/cli3/npm-cli/magnolia-cli-<version>.tgz -g

Updating Magnolia CLI

If you have already installed the CLI and want to update to the latest version, use:

npm update @magnolia/cli -g

Testing the installation

To test the installation, run the following command in the shell:

mgnl help

Shell autocompletion

The Magnolia CLI package provides autocompletion for bash, C-shell and Windows PowerShell.

To install/enable autocompletion, use:

mgnl tab-completion install

To uninstall it, use:

mgnl tab-completion uninstall

A successful installation of autocompletion displays a list of files to which the tab-completion script has been appended.

To test the autocompletion installation, type mgnl and then successively hit the Tab key to scroll through the available commands.

On Windows, autocompletion is only available in PowerShell. If it does not work as expected after installation, you may have to change your execution policy. To do this, in PowerShell, run as Administrator:

  Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

Uninstalling old autocompletion source

If you have already used autocompletion with Magnolia CLI version below 2.0, you may want to uninstall the old autocompletion manually. To do so, remove the following line in your bash settings.

This is typically found at ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc from your terminal.
source /usr/local/lib/node_modules/@magnolia/cli/extra/

v2 release history


Released on January 18, 2018
  • Node v 6.10+ is required to run the CLI.

  • A new option -c (--cloud) has been added to the jumpstart command. mgnl jumpstart -c downloads and sets up a Magnolia Cloud bundle. It requires Enterprise credentials to access the Magnolia Nexus repository. NPMCLI-138

  • If no -p option is set when executing the jumpstart command, the magnolia.resources.dir property in the file is set to a relative path by default: magnolia.resources.dir=${magnolia.home}/../../../light-modules NPMCLI-129

  • When creating a light module with the mgnl create-light-module command, if you specify a path to a light modules folder that does not match the light modules root folder at the nearest Tomcat installation, you get an error. The error warns you that Magnolia cannot observe your module in the location specified. You can use the -f option if you want to force the path to an unobserved folder. NPMCLI-103

  • To help us help you in case you run into an issue, the mgnl -h command now also prints out your node.js version, OS and Magnolia CLI version. NPMCLI-128

  • The mgnl create-component command now generates a component dialog definition YAML file containing label options (instead of the previously used name) for i18n compliance. NPMCLI-105


Released on March 17, 2017
  • Two new commands have been added:

    • search - helps find light modules on npm. NPMCLI-99

    • install - installs a light module from the registry into your light modules folder. NPMCLI-98

  • In the prototype dialog template, the image alt attribute uses the caption property. NPMCLI-31

  • The placeholder __lightDevModuleFolder__ for the name of the corresponding light module can be used in all prototypes files for page and component templates (in mgnl-cli-prototypes/page/* and mgnl-cli-prototypes/component). NPMCLI-84

  • The tab-completion install command, if completed successfully, also displays the files (together with their paths) to which the autocompletion script has been appended. NPMCLI-107

  • All CLI i18n messages are served from a single location (lib/locales/). The messages in English are located in the en subfolder. NPMCLI-91

  • This release also fixes a few bugs. A complete list of the issues that have been resolved in version 2.1.0 is available via the following link:


Released on February 27, 2017

This version contains many improvements and bug fixes. Here is an incomplete list of the new or changed features:

  • New command start for easy start, stop and logging of Magnolia. NPMCLI-58

  • Improved autocompletion: (NPMCLI-69)

    • Can be enabled and disabled with the new command mgnl tab-completion.

    • Is now available not only for bash, but also for C-shell and Windows PowerShell.

    • Knows more things to autocomplete.

    • WARNING: If you were using autocompletion in a Magnolia CLI version below 2.0, you may want to uninstall old autocompletion source.

  • User experience enhanced by:

    • Improved error and crash handling.

    • Instructions on how to continue when a command is successfully executed.

  • setup command is renamed to customize-local-config command. NPMCLI-101

  • add-availability command defaults to main area when no area is specified. NPMCLI-48

  • create-light-module command generates README files. NPMCLI-62

  • Node v 6.0+ is required to run the CLI.

Pre-2.0.0 versions

All pre-2.0.0 versions of Magnolia CLI are considered beta and no official documentation is available for them.

Video: Magnolia CLI Tool makes web developers’ lives easier

This video is based on Magnolia CLI 2.0.0 and Magnolia 5.5.1 Community Edition.

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