Campaign Publisher app

The Campaign Publisher app allows managers and team members to manage online campaigns in a single app. The campaign pages and items they depend on, such as assets and configurations, can be added to the campaign. At a glance, team members can see the campaign’s readiness and publication status. Previewing each campaign item and publishing the whole campaign is possible with a single click.

The Campaign Publisher module and app are compatible with Pages and Assets apps (6 UI).

There is an ongoing effort to convert the Campaign Publisher module and app to the entire 6 UI framework. You can follow the progress on the following ticket: MGNLCAMPU-87.


The Campaign app is installed by the Campaign module. The app is configured in /campaign-publisher/apps/pages-app.yaml. Read more about this in the Configuration section of the Campaign Publisher module.

Using the app

See Creating and managing campaigns in the Campaign Publisher module documentation.


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