Magnolia author or public slow response


A CustomerMagnoliaAuthorSlowResponse alert is firing or a CustomerMagnoliaPublicSlowResponse alert is firing. Both alerts use the same metrics but with different thresholds:

  • The author instance is slow responding if the average response time for 90% of requests is more than 2 seconds

  • A public instance is slow responding if the average response time for 90% of requests is more than 0.8 seconds

CustomerMagnoliaAuthorSlowResponse and CustomerMagnoliaPublicSlowResponse alerts are sent to subscribers via email.


Here are the details on the alerts:

Alert: CustomerMagnoliaAuthorSlowResponse


mgnl_filterChain_duration_seconds{component="author-instance",quantile="0.9"} > 2


15 minutes


team: customer


  • summary

  • description

  • tenant

  • cluster_id

  • cluster_name

  • pod

  • instance

  • namespace

Alert: CustomerMagnoliaPublicSlowResponse


mgnl_filterChain_duration_seconds{component="public-instance",quantile="0.9"} > 0.8


15 minutes


team: customer


  • summary

  • description

  • tenant

  • cluster_id

  • cluster_name

  • pod

  • instance

  • namespace


This section provides solutions that should help resolve the issue in most cases.

Investigate slow response cause

Slow responses from Magnolia can be caused by many things, including the implementation of the your project.

Here’s an incomplete list of possible causes of slow response times and what actions to take:

Cause Action

High request volume

Check the rate of requests to Magnolia.

Insufficient memory

Check the memory allocation for the Magnolia pod and the JVM max heap setting.

Excessive garbage collection

Check for frequent garbage collection and how close and how frequently the JVM heap used is to the JVM max heap.

Magnolia cache is underutilized

Check the Magnolia cache hit percentage.

Custom filter bottleneck

Check for custom filters in the filter chain.

Slow requests per type

Turn on detailed response time metrics and check for slow requests by type (e.g., resources, images, pages).

Check the miss request rate, origin latency, and miss latency dashboards in Fastly. These dashboards often indicate if Magnolia is always slow or sometimes slow.




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