Release notes for Magnolia CMS 6.2.30

LTS release • Delivered on March 23, 2023 • Page updated on March 24, 2023 • Changelog: 12138

Magnolia CMS 6.2.30 is primarily a bug-fixing and security release. We keep the details of security fixes private in line with our security policy. Contact our Support team if you need more information.


E-commerce module

SSO module

  • SSO 3.1.1 was released on March 21st, 2023.

  • SSO 3.1.0 was released on March 8th, 2023.


  • MGNLUI-6342 Do not refresh grids for inactive apps and make DatasourceObservation extendable

  • PAGES-995 Deprecate support for Magnolia-hosted SPA with templateScript for 6.2

    For more on this topic, check out Headless templating.

Bug fixes


Third-party library updates

Updated modules

  • Admincentral 6.2.27

  • Backup 2.5.0

  • Barebones Tomcat Bundle 1.2.16

  • Blossom 3.6.1

  • Campaign Publisher 2.0.3

  • Community Edition 6.2.30

  • Content Dependencies 2.0.4

  • Content Editor 1.3.12

  • Content Editor 2.1.4

  • DAM 3.0.22

  • Diff 2.2.4

  • DX Core 6.2.30

  • GraphQL 1.1.1

  • Groovy 3.0.4

  • Imaging 3.5.7

  • Magnolia 6.2.30

  • Pages 6.2.26

  • Personalization 2.1.8

  • Public User Registration 2.7.7

  • REST Framework 2.2.17

  • Solr Search Provider 6.1.3

  • Tasks 6.2.23

  • Third-party library BOM 6.2.30

  • UI 6.2.30


The Magnolia team would also like to thank everyone who reported issues, contributed patches or simply commented on issues for this release. Your continued interest helps us make Magnolia better.

Thanks a mill!

Special thanks go out to Thomas Comiotto, Riste Drangovski, Philipp Gaschuetz, Philipp Guettler, and Frank Sommer.


DX Core



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