Release notes for Magnolia CMS 6.2.31

LTS release • Delivered on March 30, 2023 • Page updated on June 27, 2023 • Changelog: 12157

Magnolia CMS 6.2.31 is primarily a bug-fixing and security release. We keep the details of security fixes private in line with our security policy. Contact our Support team if you need more information.


  • MGNLCACHE-254 Configuration to cache responses larger than 500KB

  • PUBLISHING-194 Publishing requests can ignore the multiPartRequest file count limit

    A limit for the number of files and fields per multipart request has been introduced. You may need to configure it to meet your needs. See Filters: Multipart request for more details about this topic.

Bug fixes

  • BUILD-1032 Cannot install versions 3.1.x of the Soft Locking module in the DX Core bundle

    In the magnolia-dx-core-webapp, the version of the module has been updated from 3.0.1 to 3.1.2 and the dependency coordinates from



  • MAGNOLIA-8706 Unable to import a large exported YAML file

  • MGNLUI-6966 Saving the JcrMultiField on a locale containing _ results in a wrong naming of JCR nodes

  • MGNLUI-7883 Date field in a content type app can be saved but not retrieved

  • PUBLISHING-188 Publishing children of a renamed parent throws an exception

Third-party library updates

  • com.graphql-java:graphql-java to version 17.5

  • com.jayway.jsonpath to version 2.8.0

  • io.swagger.parser.v3 to version 2.1.13

  • net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy to version 1.14.3

  • to version 2.20.32

Updated modules

  • Cache 5.9.5

  • Community Edition 6.2.31

  • DX Core 6.2.31

  • Magnolia 6.2.31

  • Publishing 1.3.8

  • Third-party library BOM 6.2.31

  • UI 6.2.31


The Magnolia team would also like to thank everyone who reported issues, contributed patches or simply commented on issues for this release. Your continued interest helps us make Magnolia better.

Thanks a mill!

Special thanks go out to Antony Hutchison, Pierre Sandrin and Jörg Wirsig.


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