Magnolia 6.2.20 known issues

Tasks App to remain at 6.2.18

In Magnolia 6.2.20, the Tasks App 6.2.19 (though unbundled) was released, but unfortunately contains changes that are incompatible with Magnolia 6.2.x.


Please do not update your Tasks App to 6.2.19, but keep it at 6.2.18.

The Tasks App will be upgraded to 6.2.20 in Magnolia 6.2.22 and will resolve the issue.

Wrong validation error in rich text field

In Magnolia 6.2.20, the rich text field may produce a validation error (Malicious HTML code found) even for a safe HTML markup.

The issue will be fixed in Magnolia 6.2.21.

For more on this topic, please see global SafeHtmlValidatorDefinition configuration on our dedicated Field Validators page.

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