Release notes for Magnolia CMS 6.2.17

LTS release • Delivered on February 18, 2022 • Changelog: 11855

Magnolia CMS 6.2.17 is a bug-fixing and security release that delivers critical vulnerability fixes. We keep the details of security fixes private in line with our security policy. Contact our Support team if you need more information.


  • DAM Connector Pack released on February 11, 2022.


  • MGNLUI-6591 Hide tabs without fields

  • MGNLUI-6699 Tasks app: introduce default sorting configuration

  • MGNLUI-6795 Move valueContext setting in ContentDetailSubApp so it is ready at form creation

  • PAGES-459 Make Paste component action available after any selected component

Bug fixes

  • MGNLUI-5903 Column Filter: Improve the JCR data providers to be able to work with Nodes as filter

  • MGNLUI-7032 LinkField with text input saves root node uuid when empty


  • CFGUI-140 Hide sites registry from definitions app

    Due to the technical complexity of site decorations and to eliminate redundancy, the sites registry has been removed from the Definitions app. To inspect registered site definitions, see either the site (Magnolia CE) or the multisite (Magnolia DX Core) module configuration in the Definitions app.

    However, in a future maintenance release of Magnolia, the sites registry will be restored.

  • JSMODELS-26 Port of MAGNOLIA-8281 to JS models

  • MAGNOLIA-8164 Verify and add Java 17 (LTS) to certified stack

  • MAGNOLIA-8281 Limit access to ctx objects from FreeMarker

  • MGNLEE-676 Remove Periscope ranking module

  • MGNLTOMCAT-21 Update to Tomcat 9.0.58

Third-party library updates


Known issues

If you are upgrading from an earlier version, read the Upgrading to Magnolia page first and check the Known issues page.

Documentation screenshot updates

Some of the screenshots in the documentation still show the legacy Magnolia 5 UI. Please bear with us as we work to update them.

Updated modules

  • Barebones Tomcat Bundle 1.2.7

  • Community Edition 6.2.17

  • DAM 3.0.14

  • Definitions App 2.1.3

  • Demo Projects 1.6.6

  • DX Core 6.2.17

  • Javascript Models 1.2

  • Magnolia 6.2.17

  • Pages 6.2.16

  • REST Client 2.0.2

  • REST Client UI 1.0.3

  • Third-party library BOM 6.2.17

  • UI 6.2.17


The Magnolia team would also like to thank everyone who reported issues, contributed patches or simply commented on issues for this release. Your continued interest helps us make Magnolia better. Special thanks go to Matei "Mal" Badanoiu, Philipp Güttler, Mareike Schulz and Jeffrey van der Heide.


DX Core



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