Release notes for Magnolia CMS 6.2.27

LTS release • Delivered on December 19, 2022 • Page updated on December 29, 2022 • Changelog: 12051

Magnolia CMS 6.2.27 is primarily a bug-fixing and security release. We keep the details of security fixes private in line with our security policy. Contact our Support team if you need more information.


Search initiatives

In the coming months, we will improve search performance and result relevance as part of our new search initiatives - watch this space! Below is a small first step towards improving the search experience in the Find bar.

Find bar search after 3 input characters

You can customize the number of input characters that initiate the search using the minimumSearchLength property.
For more on this topic

See ADMINCTR-226 Initiate Find bar search after an optional number of input characters

H2 database updated

For this H2 update, you must check whether additional steps are required when updating.

In particular, the update will prevent Magnolia from starting if an instance has been using an H2 database created with a previous 1.4.x version.

In most development environments, deleting the database and reinstalling it again should be the quickest option. Otherwise, you can follow the H2 upgrade procedure explained here.

For more on this topic

See BUILD-960 Update h2 db to version 2.1.214
Or our H2 database known issues section.


  • EEPUBLISH-56 Support publishing to a load balancer

  • MGNLEE-729 Include webhooks module in DX core standard bundle

    The webhooks module is only bundled with dx-core-demo-webapp in this release.
  • MGNLIMG-242 Support webp images also on aarch64

  • MGNLUI-6955 Switching Languages On Dialogs Changes focus in The Current Window

  • TXTREC-87 Provide a way to disable text classification

    For more on this topic

    See Text classification configuration

Bug fixes

  • CONTEDIT-487 MigrateBlockToIntermediateParentTask doesn’t preserve order of nodes

  • MGNLEESOLR-172 Exclude dependency on tika-parsers 1.x

  • MGNLHOOK-249 Exception when publishing asset deletion

  • MGNLPER-180 RootPath is not used for findBar results

  • MGNLUI-5015 Keep CKEditor notifications on top of dialogs

  • MGNLUI-5736 Complex fields with jcrChildNodeProvider persists empty node when not touched

  • MGNLUI-7125 Warning in logs: Encountered the $type property but failed to resolved the type from its value

  • MGNLUI-7035 Screen jumps when moving value of TwinColumnSelectField

  • MGNLUI-7066 JcrSearchSuppliersGenerator does not set definition name resulting in invalid messagebundle keys

  • PUBLISHING-150 Unpublishing should include modified children of the unpublished node


Third-party library updates

Updated modules

  • Admincentral 6.2.25

  • Barebones Tomcat Bundle 1.2.14

  • Community Edition 6.2.27

  • Content Editor 2.1.3

  • Content Translation Support 2.5.9

  • DAM 3.0.19

  • DX Core 6.2.27

  • Imaging 3.5.6

  • Magnolia 6.2.27

  • Periscope 1.2.7

  • Publishing 1.3.6

  • Publishing Transactional 1.2.4

  • Resources 3.0.8

  • REST Client 2.0.4

  • Solr Search Provider 6.1.2

  • Text Classification 1.1.6

  • Third-party library BOM 6.2.27

  • UI 6.2.27

  • Webhooks 1.0.1


The Magnolia team would also like to thank everyone who reported issues, contributed patches or simply commented on issues for this release. Your continued interest helps us make Magnolia better.

Special thanks go out to Michail Botas, Thomas Duffey, Rico Jansen, Anne Meister, Rajeev Singh, and Antonio Tuor.


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